Sunday, December 28, 2014

Week 2: Insanity Max 30 Progress Update

Wow, I cannot believe that week 2 of Insanity Max 30 is over! This week, I can definitely say that I have not felt this strong in a long time...both mentally and physically. Some max out times were better than others and some times were better than my times last week but one thing that I know for sure is that this week I pushed myself more, my strength is getting better, and I sweat more than ever. Insanity Max 30 might be one of my favorite programs so far. It changes things up and your just trying to beat yourself and be better than you were the previous workout. Every day is a new day and every day is like a fit test. Your testing your limits, pushing on and your getting better every day.

Check out my max out time for each day! Stronger and Stronger Every Single Day!

This week was most definitely hard with following my nutrition. and I have to say that I did cheat a little. But its the holidays and I am okay with that. I bust my butt all the time that it is nice to splurge a little. I may have had way too many Christmas cookies! Even thou I might have cheated on my nutrition, everything was in moderation! I worked out everyday with no exception. I am not going to lie, I wanted to skip my Christmas morning workout but I did not. I live a life filled with moderation, check out my meal plan to see how I ate this week. I am not going to lie, this week towards the end of the week, I went off a little with spending time with some friends and being away for the weekend. But I stuck to what foods I was supposed to have.

Going into week 3, I am 100% going to get back on track. My nutrition will be on point. I will be focused and I will be back to some form of a routine. With New Years this week, I know I am going to be splurging a little with going out but I am focused on getting my workouts in! but remember Moderation is key! 

1. drink 1 gallon or more a day of water
2. follow meal plan
3. morning workouts
4. enjoy New Years Eve
5. Set 2015 goals

What are your goals for 2015? 
Hope you all have a safe, happy, and healthy New Years Eve & New Years. 

~Nicole <3

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Sunday, December 21, 2014

Week 1: Insanity Max 30 Progress Update

I can not believe that week 1 of Insanity Max 30 is officially over. This program seriously came at the right time in my life. I hit this plateau and really was just out of the game. I was eating healthy but enjoying a little bit too much ice cream, chips and more. I knew what I needed to do and you know what starting this week off with a clean slate, positive mind, and an accountability group that was holding me to my goals.

Going into this week, I was scared! I cannot tell a lie! I wasn't sure what to expect from Shaun T. So Monday morning, I got up at 5am, chugged my E&E, dusted off and laced up my sneakers and pushed play. I thought I was going to die day 1. I was so out of breath, I felt so out of shape, but I pushed on.  I finished day 1 and could barely walk! I mean no joke my calves were on fire! as the day went on, it got progressively worse. As the days went on up until thursday, I was walking like a baby giraffe. someone at work asked at one point, are you okay, you are walking funny! I couldn't help but laugh and thank Shaun T for that! But by day 4, I was feeling better. My legs had come back around and I felt like I was finally feeling like myself again. Day 5's workout Friday Fight Round 1....was a mental and a physical fight! this program really knows how to push you in ways that you never thought!

CONFESSION TIME: I took my before pictures, measurements, and weight...and i have to say that I was less than satisfied with where I was. normally after week 1, I would have stepped on the scale but this time for Insanity Max 30, I am not going to get on the scale, no matter what, until day 30. The scale doesn't define me and i have to say that I get down when I don't see a change. Totally changing things up and I am totally happy about that! So many people I know are doing and one can totally get caught up in the "time" and comparing yourself to someone else. another thing that I am focusing on is I am "looking in the mirror...that's my competition." I am trying to be better everyday than the person I was the day before! so far, its working!

You might be sitting here reading this thinking, alright Nicole, what does it mean to MAX OUT? HERE IT IS...maxing out means that it is the first time in the workout that you stop or fail. I mean you push yourself for as long and as hard as you within your abilities. You try to beat your previous time! 

Its simple...get your mind and body ready to dig deep...push play on the workout dvd...challenge yourself to do the best that you can...when you feel like you cant go anymore and basically ready to die...stop and write down...take a quick breather and get right back at it!  You don't just stop once you maxed out, catch your breath and you get right back at it! the workout is 30 minutes! you can totally do this!

Everyday I got stronger, Everyday I pushed play and ate according to my meal plan was one step closer to my goals. Day by Day Snap Shots of my Max Out Times: 

Nutrition is 80% of the battle. so this week, I was focused on what I was eating. I wanted to be extremely focused and I have to say it really paid off! I woke up every morning feeling better than the day before! I woke up less bloated, more energized and ready to take on the new day. I even had a major cheat meal and when I say MAJOR I mean MAJOR! My family came to visit me and we went to an amazing restaurant. I indulged in a drink, lobster mac and cheese, I had filet mignon, and even had desert flourless chocolate espresso cake. I left the restaurant feeling completely satisfied. It was an absolutely guilt free cheat meal! because I was so focused and so on point this week, I allowed myself to splurge! Nutrition is more of a battle than the workouts! you can't out exercise a bad diet! Take a peak at my meal plan from week 1. 

My goals for week 2 (especially since its christmas and there is going to be many temptations)
1. drink 1 gallon or more of water a day
2. early morning workouts
3. follow my meal plan
4. moderation is key for christmas eve and christmas day
5. focus on morning meditation/prayer
6. daily positive affirmations

Here's to week 2 and making this week even better than last week. for those of you that celebrate...Merry Christmas! May you have a beautiful holiday with the ones that you love. Hope Santa is good to you! :) Remember: MODERATION is key!

Have a Happy & Healthy Day
~Nicole <3

P.S. Join my EXCLUSIVE Accountability Group to achieve all your health and fitness goals. Fill out the form below and lets get you in my next group! 

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Sunday, December 7, 2014

Cinnamon Pecans

I love snacking on nuts but sometimes they can be bland. When I was in Canada visiting my aunt and uncle, my aunt made these and let me just say they are so delicious and so addicting! I call them crack! my family came to visit me last month, and I had them made and my mom called me the week after and goes hey Nikki, whats the recipe for crack? 

So today, I decided to make crack aka Cinnamon Pecans! They are seriously so simple and so easy! 

  • 1 egg white
  • 1 tbsp water
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 pound pecans
  1. whip egg white and water together
  2. add pecans to mixture
  3. mix cinnamon, salt and sugar in separate bowl
  4. add pecan mixture to sugar mixture
  5. spread pecans on greased cookie sheet
  6. bake at 250 degrees for approximately 1 hour (turn every 15 minutues
Hope you all enjoy this simple, easy recipe!

Have a Happy and Healthy Day!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Apple-Cinnamon Breakfast Risotto


  • 1/4 cup of butter (1/2 stick)
  • 4 medium Granny Smith Apples. peeled, cored, and diced
  • 1 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1 1/2 cup Aborio rice
  • 1/2 cup packed light brown sugar
  • 4 cups unfiltered apple juice at room temperature
  • 1 tsp vanilla 

Sauteed apples, cinnamon, salt and butter
  1. Melt butter in large skillet over medium-high heat. add apples, cinnamon and salt. cook and stir for 3 to 5 minutes or until apples begin to release juices
  2. Transfer the apple mixture into crock pot
  3. Add rice and stir to coat
  4. Sprinkle light brown sugar evenly over top
  5. Add apple juice and vanilla.
  6. cover and cook on high for 2 hrs (mine took a little closer to 2.5 hrs to cook)
Serve and enjoy! I made a huge amount of it and I am having it as a morning snack this week! its great to grab and go. you just pop it in the microwave and warm it up and it is absolutely delicious heated up! Simple and Easy!

Hope you all enjoy this and have an amazing day!

Nicole Keating
Emerald Beachbody Coach

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Healthy Halloween Treats

Halloween is fast approaching and I am sure that you are kinda nervous about how your going to make it through the fast approaching, candy filled holiday! I know personally, for me, I have a few parties that I am lined up and I am going to make sure that I stay on track! 

I wanted to share with you a few healthy Halloween treat ideas with you! You can use this for you own personal Halloween parties you might be having or you could always bring these with you.

I always love edible arrangements but personally, they are extremely expensive and I can't really afford them on my budget. But this awesome idea copies the expensive edible arrangement! Use a pumpkin and use bamboo skews with fresh fruit and you are ready to go! 

Pumpkin Edible Arrangement

 Who doesn't love a good veggie platter in the shape of a pumpkin and some chocolate covered strawberries in the form of ghosts? These treats are simple and easy to do and great for a party.

Pumpkin Veggie Platter & Ghost Chocolate Covered Strawberries

Worried that the kids are going to have too much candy! send them with this adorable Jack-O-Lantern Mandarin Oranges to school or to a party! this healthy and festive variation! Great for the kids and its yummy! No excuses not to stay healthy! Give the kids this and they can avoid more of a sugar high.

 If you are a shakeology lover like myself, and you want to curb the candy cravings before they hit....try this delicious Honey Pumpkin Spice Shakeology Shake. I most definitely will be making this this week. If you are going to a Halloween party, here are my suggestions

  • drink your shakeology before you go
  • drink lots of water
  • stay close to the veggies and healthier treats
  • talk to everyone and keep yourself busy, so you wont stay close to the chips and dip
  • make sure to get your workout in and maybe do an extra workout too! 
  • set yourself up for success and remember that it is okay to splurge a little (MODERATION IS KEY!) 

Now I am in no way telling you not to not have candy because we are all human. I never deprive myself of anything. If I want some chocolate or candy, I am going to have it but in moderation. Keep your eye on the prize and make sure you remember your goals!

Have a Happy, Healthy, and Safe Halloween! I hope you enjoyed some of these great healthy Halloween Treats.

Nicole Keating
Emerald Beachbody Coach

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Mac & Cheese

Baked Macaroni and Cheese is one of my all time favorite meals! Today while I was meal prepping, I made enough for 3 side dishes. It is simple, easy, and delicious

  • 2 tbsp corn starch
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1/4 tsp of pepper
  • 2.5 cups of milk
  • 2 tbsp of butter
  • 2 cups of shredded cheddar cheese
  • 2 cups of elbow pasta
  • special k (grinned in a mini food processor)
  1. preheat oven to 375 degrees
  2. cook elbow pasta as direct on the box
  3. in a medium saucepan combine first 3 ingredients, stir in the milk. add butter, stir consistently. once boiling, stir in shredded cheese.
  4. mix in the elbow pasta
  5. place in a corning wear dish, then on top sprinkle the special k crumbs
  6. cook for 25 minutes
Have a Happy and Healthy Day! I hope you enjoy one of my favorite dishes!

Nicole Keating
Emerald Beachbody Coach

Sunday, August 24, 2014

PIYO Results

PIYO has absolutely changed my life! I was first introduced to this in June in Las Vegas when I was at the Beachbody Coach Summit. The first day I was in Vegas, I had the opportunity to workout with Chalene Johnson the fitness instructor and creator of PIYO, Turbo Fire, Turbo Jam, etc. and let me just say, I knew this program would be golden for me. I had just finished training for a half marathon and I had been working really hard doing T25, 21 Day Fix, and P90x. I truly didn't realize how tight my body was. But after doing the workout with Chalene and then hearing her speak at one of the general sessions, I knew that I need to do PIYO! I am going to describe what PIYO is and then tell you my amazing results that I worked hard for and achieved.

Chalene discussing PIYO
Morning Workout with Chalene in Vegas 

What is PIYO?
PIYO is a low-impact, high-intensity body-transforming program that uses the most effective pilates and yoga inspired moves to sculpt long, lean muscles and burn fat. PIYO is for everyone. 

PIYO WOD in Vegas with My Accountability
Partner & Good Friend Fawn!

I am not going to lie day one I was unsure of what to expect with this new program. While doing PIYO, I drank Shakeology daily. As well as drank energy and endurance as a pre-workout and results and recovery as a post-workout drink. The first two weeks were very tough, I wasn't strong, I felt uncoordinated, I felt like I wasn't doing it right but when I let go of my fears and apprehensions, that is when I truly began to thrive. By week three, I felt like my core strength and my flexibility increase tremendously. After week 4, I had to do my measurements and I was surprisingly happy with my findings. I had lost 6.5 inches and 9 pounds. and my flexibility was much better. 

The next month went by so fast. I learned more about the struggles of as I was getting stronger, the movements and some of the poses were extremely difficult. I learned to challenge myself to push beyond my limits. It might not have been easy but it was so worth it. I followed the PIYO meal plan but honestly, I should have done a better job with it because I think I would have seen better results, not that I am saying that I haven't seen great results. 

As I weighed in and took my measurements at the end of 60 days, I lost 6 pounds and 8.5 inches off my body. I leaned out and felt better about myself. I may have gained 3 pounds in the second month of PIYO but I do not believe that the scale should define us and who we are. I had some major non-scale victories. When I looked in the mirror, I loved what I saw, my scrubs fit better. For me, the scale does not and will not define me. I am totally fine with gaining 3 pounds because I gained 3 pounds of muscle.

60 Day PIYO Results
I truly believe that PIYO is for everyone and everyone needs PIYO. Your body craves this and can benefit from this. If you want to see amazing results like I did, join my upcoming accountability group. It is a great way to achieve all your health and fitness goals. Why not you? Why can't you get into the best shape of your life by doing a low impact and high intensity program? YOU CAN THANK ME LATER! 

What is Next for Me?
I plan on completing a second round of PIYO. This time I am going to do the PIYO Strength program and I am going to be very strict in my meal planning and prepping and following along with the PIYO meal plan. I am going to do another round of PIYO and then once Tony Horton's new fitness program called p90 comes out, I will be doing that.  

JOIN ME in My Upcoming Accountability Group and Make a Healthy Life Change!!

Have a Happy and Healthy Day,

Nicole Keating
Emerald Beachbody Coach

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Thursday, August 14, 2014

Muffin Tin Apple Crisps

Apple Crisp is one of my favorite desserts. This weekend while on the beach, I was reading a magazine and came across a simple recipe for Muffin Tin Apple Crisps. While I liked the recipe, I changed it up a little. 


  • 1 cup of rolled oats
  • 2 tsp of cinnamon
  • 8 tbsp light brown sugar
  • 2 tbsp of oat flour
  • 6 tbsp of melted butter
  • 4 apples cored and diced

  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. 
  2. Core, peel, and dice apples 
  3. Mix 1 cup rolled oats, 1 tsp of cinnamon, 7 tbsp light brown sugar, 2 tbsp oat flour and 6 tbsp of melted butter in a bowl
  4. Press one heaping of mixture in the bottom of each muffin tin, leaving some extra for the top
  5. Mix together with 1 tsp of cinnamon and 1 tbsp of light brown sugar
  6. Divide apple mixture evenly into muffin tins
  7. Sprinkle remaining oat mixture on top
  8. Bake for 25 minutes and ENJOY!!
They just came out of the oven and I let them sit a little but I had to try it and it was DELICIOUS! Have a Happy and Healthy Day!

Sunday, June 29, 2014

3 Day Refresh Results

As some of you may know, there is this new thing called the 3 Day Refresh. You might be sitting at your computer screen like I see Nicole posted about this but I have no idea what it is all about. So for starters, I want to share with you what exactly it entails to do the 3 Day Refresh and what amazing results that I saw. Seriously if I can do it, you could too!

Trust me, it was not easy but if you have a goal in mind to complete something, you do anything in your power to make that goal become a reality!

First off, a little about the refresh, its a 3 day program that is used for a plateau, you need to get back on track, you want to eat healthier, you want more energy and your clothes to fit better or you want to lose weight. Now this might be a little overwhelming but they have this AH-MAZING Little book that comes with the refresh that is so simple and helpful to understand its great! What is great about the refresh, is basically everything comes with it. It comes with 3 packets of specially formulated shakes, per day and shakeology. You are eating healthy snacks and there are easy-to-prepare meals. 

Everyone Has to Start Somewhere
I love that you have the option to write down what you want to eat each day and it is small enough that you can carry it with you and throw it in your purse and not think twice about it!

Day One, I weighed myself, took my before pictures, and had all my meals ready for the day! I wanted to go full steam ahead to really succeed in this! When I do cleanses or programs or new products that beachbody comes out with, I like to do them the way they were designed. In my mind, if I can do them, my customers can do them as well. If I fail at something like this, how am I setting a good example for those around me? I stuck with my PIYO workout. 

Day one was a little tough not going to lie, I love my coffee and I really needed it. I stuck to drinking lots of water and the refresh meal plan! 

Avocado c Veggies Snack
The morning of Day Two came and I jumped on the scale and let me just say, I lost 3 pounds...WOAH! 3 pounds in one day! and I felt amazing! I didn't feel bloated, I felt healthy again! Day two was great! I overcame a big hurdle half way through the day! One of the doctors that I work with bought pizza and salad for lunch! Not going to lie, it smelled absolutely delicious and I really wanted it but chose to walk right past it and have my vanilla shake with a side of carrots and hummus! It was the best victory I had during the entire Refresh. 

Final Shake and Dinner
Day three is the best because you are almost done. You see the light at the end of the tunnel! But most importantly, I was not craving anything unhealthy. I felt like my bloated stomach was slowly disappearing. When I jumped on the scale, I had lost 2 more do the math, that's 5 pounds lost in 2 days...Day three was great! I had more energy! By dinner time, I felt great. I was excited to have my last Vanilla Fresh Shake and make my Veggie Stir-Fry. One thing that really was sticking in my head and tugging at my heart is that so many people say oh I could never do anything like that or you have so much will power! "You have the power to succeed in anything you do! Clear you mind of can't and fill  your mind with I CAN and I WILL!" It may not be easy but the results are a true success. That holds true for anything you do! YOU CAN and YOU WILL do anything you put your mind to. You may stumble and fall but you will get up time and time know why?!?! because YOU HOLD THE KEYS TO YOUR SUCCESS!

Today is Day 4, and the Refresh is over. I was excited to hop on the scale and see if I lost anymore. I felt like I really didn't ultimately I do not judge progress by the scale, I judge by the way I feel. I lost another pound! Total of 6 pounds in 3 days! I feel like my body is detoxed. I feel like my body is ready for me to stay on track! I feel less bloated and I feel better about myself. Where do I go from here you might be thinking...well for me I am starting week 2 of PIYO tomorrow and I am going to focus on staying on track with the PIYO Meal Plan and the workouts!
Example of what my eating looked like on the Refresh

Upon Waking: 8-10 oz Water
Breakfast: (1 hr upon waking up) shakeology shake with 10 oz of water plus a fruit serving (apple)
Optional Morning Tea: 1 cup of green tea
Mid-Morning Snack: Fiber Sweep (digestive health drink) [CHUG THIS! ITS NOT THE BEST TASTE]
Lunch: Vanilla Fresh Shake with 10 oz of water plus one fruit serving (clementine) plus one vegetable serving (carrots) plus one healthy fat (hummus)
Aftnoon Snack: one vegatable (cucumber) plus one health fat (avocado)
Optional Afternoon Tea: 1 cup of green tea
Dinner: Vanilla Fresh Shake plus a dinner recipe (veggie my favorite)

If you want more information or want to join my exclusive refresh group, I want you to see great results like I did! There is no reason you cant start today! and did I mention...the 3 day refresh is on sale NOW! its a savings of over $70! Save money and see amazing results! YES PLEASE!

Hope to see you all soon and hope this helps you when deciding on whether or not to do the refresh. It truly is for everyone!

Have a Happy & Healthy Day!

Nicole Keating
Emerald Beachbody Coach

Sunday, June 1, 2014

3 Years & Still Going Strong

Today is June 1, 2014 & this is my 3 year anniversary of my journey to a healthier me. 3 years ago today, June 1, 2011, I started my weight loss journey. I signed up for weight watchers. I had done weight watchers in high school and lost some weight before college, so I decided to sign up online. I didn't tell anyone what I was doing, not even my closest friends and family. I didn't want to hear or see the looks (come on people you know those looks) others would give me. Or the eyes rolling like what is she doing. I am a very private person, it may not seem like it by the fact that I do post a great deal about myself on my instagram, twitter, facebook, health and fitness page, or blog. But I have and always will be introvert.

I was unhappy at 220 pounds (and yes I have never really said publicly how much I weighed). I was short of breath, miserable, when I looked in the mirror (and WHEN was a big IF) I hated everything I saw. I hated the person I was becoming, I hated me because I was not happy. I needed a change. Because I am an introvert, I kept my start of weight watchers again. My family is my biggest supporters but they are also my biggest critics. I didn’t want to me the talk of everything, I didn’t want to hear all the negativity, I didn’t want to see the ones I loved most roll their eyes at me or get those looks that I always got when I would walk in the room. (and I don’t mean good looks from others, it was like looks that made you feel worse about yourself). 

When you first start something new, there is always the fear of the unknown. The fear of “will I fail”. For me, as I look back at my beginning, I don’t remember being fearful. I kind of just put my head down and just went for it. Go big or go home right? Well my journey hasn’t been all gumdrops and lollipops. There have been some uphill climbs and some downhill rolls.

I followed the weight watchers point system and thank goodness for having an iphone and the ww application because that was perfect for me to keep track of what I was eating and making sure I was on track. I went to the gym 6 out of 7 days a week. I would work out on the stair climber and elliptical as well as spin class. I would spend on average probably 45 to 60 minutes at the gym each day. I made it a routine and habit.

Over the course of the next 6 months, the pounds started to just melt off. I was really focused but just wanted to feel better about myself. By November 2011, I had lost 50 pounds. My goal was 50 pounds! I had hit my goal, now it was time for a new goal. My next goal was to maintain my weight. Now at 170, I was petrified of gaining weight. I had lost weight previously and never kept it off. So now I was on a mission to continue this healthier lifestyle I had created for myself. Yes, I CREATED FOR MYSELF. I did it for myself. I didn’t let anyone bring me down and I didn’t want to fall off the path.

While my goal was to maintain my weight loss of 50 pounds, another goal I had was I wanted to compete in a triathlon (swim, bike, run race). Now running was and is not one of my strong suits. So I started to run with my dad. My dad is one of my biggest supporters and the best running/workout partner ever! We trained for the running portion. Swimming was always one of my strengths! I was continuing spin classes and outdoor cycling. While I was training for my first triathlon, I lost another 20 pounds. So now you are probably doing the math…that is 70 pounds! 70 pounds lost, 70 pounds gone, 70 pounds I NEVER want to see again.

In Sept. 2012, I competed in my first triathlon. It was one of the most exciting experiences of my life. I have to say that not in my wildest dreams did I ever think that I would have come so far. After I ran across the finish line, I had that racers high and I wanted to compete in another triathlon.

Over the course of the next three quarters of a year, I was training for my second triathlon and I wasn’t seeing the results I wanted. I had continued with the weight watchers point system. I was working out like crazy but just wanted more. The goal had been a constant, I wanted to maintain my weight loss.

I competed in my second triathlon in May, 2013. This triathlon was a longer distance on all legs of the race. I thought I was in great shape, I had trained hard but on the run, I struggled! So after the race, I did my research, I had seen all the infomercials of p90x and I wanted to try it.

June 15, 2013, just two years after I had started my weight loss journey, I became a beachbody coach. I drink Shakeology daily, do those workouts such as p90x, t25, insanity, 21 day fix, and brazillian butt lift. I had never seen such amazing results in such a short amount of time. I was hooked. There is nothing better than when you look in the mirror and love what you see. For so many years, I didn’t even look into the mirror, I didn’t love the person I was or the person I saw staring back at me.

I was selected to run in the Nike Women’s DC Half Marathon at the end of April, 2014. Man oh man, have I come a long way from that unhappy and unhealthy 220 pound girl, just struggling to get by. Now as you all have read and heard, running is not my thing but you know what you can do anything if you just put your mind to it. You can achieve anything from here to the moon and back with a little hard work, dedication, determination, consistency, and motivation. I even worked out with Shaun T, yes THE SHAUN T! It was probably one of the hardest workouts I have ever done in my entire life but I LOVED every minute of it. Oh and I get to work out with him again at the Beachbody Coach Summit in Vegas in a few weeks, as well as Tony Horton, Chalene Johnson, Leandro, and Autumn Calabrese.  If you told that 220 pound girl that she would compete in two triathlons, a half marathon, and workout with Shaun T, and would have the opportunity to work out in VEGAS with the top trainers, she would have rolled her eyes, said something like you are out of your mind, and would have went right for the potato chips. But this girl 3 years down the road of leading a healthier lifestyle, says bring anything on! I am up to the challenge. Every day is not easy, every day is not a successful workout, but every day is a new beginning, a new day to get it right, a new day to continue to be healthy.
Now 3 years down the road and 3 years still going strong, I may have packed on a few pounds here and there but I have also gained muscle from doing various programs but I am happy. I love myself. I love the person that weight loss has made me. I love that I see my potential and all that I have to offer. I love that I dream a little bigger. I love that I am not afraid of the unknown and that I live my life fearlessly and to the fullest. I surround myself with people who boost me and make me better person. I realized in the past, I didn’t have the best friends or the friends that had my best interests in mind. I realized that people used me. But now, with a new found me, it’s a totally different story!

While I have lead this healthy lifestyle, my family has picked up on the lifestyle that I live. Its great that my weight loss journey had such a positive effect on the ones that I love the most! 

So you might be thinking, what is your new goal, now that you are 3 years strong? And my current goal, is to help others achieve all their health and fitness goals. While my journey in my mind wasn’t that hard and I always think that it really wasn’t much but looking back it was. I overcame so many obstacles. I found out what I was made of. I wanted to help others to find themselves and to lead healthier lives. I want others to experience what I have experienced. I want others to say I am a half marathoner and I would have never thought I would get here.

No matter where you are in your life, I want you to know you are not alone. You have me, you have other weight loss survivors and those on their own weight loss journey to be supporters!  You will have your good days and bad days but remember: food never tasted as good as healthy feels. Stay strong!

See you in a year for my 4 year update because I WILL BE HERE IN 1 YEAR AND I WILL BE ACHIEVING ALL MY HOPES AND DREAMS! But between now and next year, I look forward to helping some of you lead healthier lifestyles! 

Have a Happy & Healthy Day
Love, Nicole

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Black Bean and Quinoa Enchilada Bake

I have wanted to make this recipe for over a week now. Finally. tonight I had time and all the ingredients to make it. 

  • 1/2 cup uncooked quinoa
  • 1 cup water
  • 1/2 tbsp olive oil
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1/2 small onion
  • 1 pepper
  • 1/2 cup of frozen corn
  • 1/2 of lemon juice
  • slat and pepper to taste
  • 1 cup of enchilada sauce
  • 1 cup of salsa
  • 1 can of black beans
  • 1 cup of cheddar cheese

  1. preheat the oven to 350 degrees and spray a pan with cooking spray.
  2. add quinoa and water to medium saucepan and bring to a boil. boil for 5 minutes then turn the heat down and simmer for 15 minutes or until the water is absorbed. fluff with a fork and set aside
  3. in a large skillet over medium high heat, heat up olive oil, add onion, and peppers. saute until soft about 5 minutes. add lime juice. add corn and saute for 5 minutes. add salt and pepper.
  4. in a large mixing bowl, stir quinoa and black beans together. add the veggie mixture and combine, stir in 1/2 of cheese. add the salsa and enchilada sauce. 
  5. pour mixture into the pan, sprinkling rest of the cheese on top. 
  6. cover with foil and bake for 20 minutes. 
  7. remove the foil and bake for 10 minutes longer or until cheese is melted and bubbly. 
  8. remove and cool!
(I had guacamole with it)

Serve and ENJOY!!