Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Man Cake with Apples Recipe

Friends of mine had been raving about "Deidra's Man Cakes" all weekend while we were away on "business". So I did my research and finally found the recipe and let me just tell you, I am so thankful that I had today off and slept in and had the opportunity to make this delicious breakfast! 

Mix ingredients & put in pan to cook


  • 1 Green Apple diced
  • 1/2 cup oatmeal
  • 6 egg whites, 1 yolk 
  • 1/2 tso Vanilla extract
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • EVOO
  1. Put stove on medium and coat bottom of pan on stove with EVOO. (I used a paper towel to lightly coat the bottom of pan
  2. Mix first 5 ingredients in a bowl and add it to pan on stove
  3. Cook on each side for approximately 4 minutes or until it is done to your liking
  4. Let cool and enjoy
Literally like these so much, tomorrow I am planning to use fresh cut up strawberries instead of the apples! Its so simple and so easy to make and whats great is it is absolutely delicious and healthy! It even follows the 21 day fix meal plan! 1 Red (protein): eggs, 1 Yellow (carb): oatmeal, 1 Purple (fruit): apple!

I cannot wait to play around with this and make some other amazing recipes! Share with others if this is something you think you would like!

Have a Happy & Healthy Day!
Nicole <3

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