Before I get into the nitty gritty of how week 3 went, I wanted to wish you all a happy and healthy New Year! wow 2015! cant believe it! this year I am dreaming big and I am going to make big changes!
I am not going to lie it was so nice to have off from work for most of the Christmas/New Years Break, but I have to say that my nutrition was not all there. I splurged a little, got out of my normal routine and i truly had all intentions of staying on track but sometimes life gets in the way!
Week 3, even thou my nutrition was not the best....but my workouts this week were amazing! I pushed myself so hard and had some amazing max out times! I even had to take Saturday and Sunday off because my body needed the rest! Those rest days were earned!
Take a peak at all my times for each day! I have to say my best improvement happened in two days! tabata strength was a new workout that is increased in week 3. from Tuesday to Thursday I increased from 11:42 and improved it to 19:13! Everyday I set out and try to challenge myself!

This was my projected meal plan that did not go as planned but you know what week 4 is a new week, a new beginning, a new chance to get it right, and a fresh start!
hope you all have an amazing week! heres to a happy and healthy new year filled with much love and joy! Dream Big, Never Give Up! HAPPY 2015
Have a Happy and Healthy Day,
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