Happy Sunday everyone! I hope you all have had a fantastic week! It is absolutely crazy how fast time seems to be going! I just completed week 5 of insanity max 30. that is more than half way done with the full 60 days! I have to say, last weekend was pretty amazing, but coming back monday and taking my month one progress pictures and measurements, I almost cried. I was so frustrated, monday morning at 5am...stepped on the scale. (DUN DUN DUN) and I was up 6 pounds! Now as I looked at the scale in disbelief, I thought about month one and I know my nutrition was not 100% on point and I know I did cheat a little but not 6 pounds worth of. The old me would have been depressed for days, I would have wanted to throw the towel in but I took a deep breath and I decided to take my measurements...well sure enough I was down 9.5 inches total body. 9.5 inches?!? well ok so I gained 6 pounds but I lost 9.5 inches...not bad. Alright, alright...Ill take my 30 day pictures...did that and boom, I could see a difference. (I am not posting them because I want the suspense of my day 1 to my day 60 pictures....sorry). As I had a minor metal breakdown because I had gained 6 pounds, friends of mine were telling me remember your gaining muscle, muscle weighs more than fat. And when I looked in the mirror, I did not think I gained 6 pounds. I felt better, I looked leaner...but still the scale told me I gained 6 pounds.
I could have let that set me back that I gained 6 pounds. I could have said no way am I going to succeed in month two of max 30, I am just going to weigh more than ever in a while. I could have let the scale define me. I could have made it an excuse to fail. I could have quit. But what I did do, was put my head down and I focused on this week. I focused on my nutrition, yes it was 100% great and I did not always follow my meal plan but what I did gain from this week was my motivation to kick it into high gear! If I wanted my idea of my perfect body then I would have to really FOCUS. Throw the excuses out the door and FOCUS.

So going into week 5 on monday morning, I had gained 6 pounds in one month and my mindset was NIKKI, IT'S GO TIME! FOCUS! FOCUS! FOCUS! with that, I took month two into my hands and I gave it my all! This week, I pushed myself harder than I think I have had ever! Month two is absolutely no freaking joke! Friends of mine who are a week ahead of me with the program kept telling me, month 2 is crazy, you won't be able to walk the first week of it, its harder than anything else. Well they were all true! None of them lied to me! haha

I have to say, I am truly grateful for the process! It might not be an easy journey but it is so worth it! It might be hard and I may want to scream at Shaun T everyday but I have given it my all this week! I struggled through workouts but I never gave up. I was stronger than my excuses and I was better than myself everyday! and that is what Insanity Max 30 is all about! It is all about being better than you work the day before, the workout before, and challenging yourself to working hard and focusing on how you can be the best version of yourself. The process is not easy by any means but when you take a step back and you realize just how far you have come, it is all worth it!

I hope you NEVER GIVE UP! I hope you are better than yourself the day before! I hope you love yourself because you all are truly amazing people!
Meal Plan for week 5: Take a Peak! :) |
Hope you all have a Happy and Healthy Day!!
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