Thursday, March 5, 2015

Shakeology and Weight Watchers

As some of you know, my weight loss journey started almost 4 years ago with weight watchers! With weight watchers, I lost 70 pounds in about 9 months! My goal after that was to maintain my weight loss. In the past, I had lost weight and then gained it back. I hit a serious plateau while I was training for my second triathlon a year after I had lost lose 70 pounds. My fear of gaining weight back was crazy and when I wasn't getting the results I wanted, I needed to make a change. Weight watchers had taught me portion control and how to eat in moderation!

You know how you see those infomercials on tv about p90x and insanity, etc. well one night, I was channel checking and I saw both infomercials. It caught my attention with the transformation stories and pictures. Since I felt like I was in good shape, I did my research about each program! Don't get me wrong, I was scared to do a crazy hard workout at home. I was introduced to something called shakeology. For those of you who don't know, shakeology is a healthy meal replacement that has super foods, vitamins, and so much more! It has become a staple in my life. I have never missed a day of drinking shakeology.

When I first started drinking shakeology, I was still doing weight watchers, I was following the point system which was so amazing! Like I said before, it taught me everything in moderation, portion control, and ultimately a healthier lifestyle....the best part about it is shakeology is only 3 points for the healthiest meal that you could have. That 3 points for a scoop of shakeology (1 meal). You can mix it with anything you want. The options are endless! You could add water or almond milk & water, orange juice and water or you could blend in frozen fruit, and so many more things. You can keep it s low point meal but it's truly the healthiest meal you could feed yourself.

Chocolate  = 3 points
Greenberry = 3 points
Tropical Strawberry = 3 points
Chocolate Vegan = 4 points
Vanilla = 3 points

Strawberry= 3 pounts

Looking back, on my own weight loss journey, I really wish I could go back in time and could have learned about shakeology and started drinking it from the beginning! I think it would have been such a significant change in my overall health and well-being. I mean 3 points for the healthiest meal of the day...sign me up!!

I wanted to give you a few examples of recipes and how many points you could make your shake:

Chocolate Peanut Butter Shakeology
1 scoop Chocolate Shakeology (3 points)
8 oz. unsweetened almond milk (1 point)
2 tbsp. PB2 (1 point)
1 medium banana
6 ice cubes
Blend together until smooth.
Total Points Plus value……….5

Pineapple Mango Shakeology
1 scoop Vanilla Shakeology (3 points)
8 oz. unsweetened almond milk (1 point)
1/2 cup pineapple
1/2 cup mango
6 ice cubes
Blend together till smooth.
Total Points Plus value………4"
Have you ever wondered about shakeology? Is it something that you may have wanted to try but just aren't sure?? Have you been questioning how shakeology can be incorporated in with your weight watchers points program. I want to help you see the amazing benefits that you can gain from shakeology and doing weight watchers, both at the same time!
If you are interested, fill out the form below! I will contact you on how I can help you along in your weight loss journey! 
Hope that this helped to clear some questions some of you have on shakeology and weight watchers points! Have a Happy and Healthy Day!!
Nicole <3

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  1. Thanks for sharing such kind of useful information and I think Shakeology stands above the crowd when it comes to nutrients.It is loaded with all sorts of fiber and proteins.Therefore this is the right shake to get sufficient amount of nutrients to your body.
    weight loss shakes reviews

  2. This is really a nice and informative, containing all information and also has a great impact on the new technology. Thanks for sharing it

  3. I am so glad you told your story about WW and Shakeology!!!!!!!

  4. Thanks for all this! Just wanted to ask if you would do Cafe Latte Shakeology as 3 or 4 points? Thanks :)

  5. How many points is the Vegan Vanilla? Or is it the same as the regular vanilla?
