I know so many people that want to workout in the morning, or wake up earlier to get a jump start on their day. I wanted to share a few tips and tricks to becoming a morning person and achieving that dream of being a morning person. It is possible for you to transform yourself into a morning person.
1. Get more sleep. I mean really?!?! DUH Nicole!! Just like we make time to schedule in meetings, workouts, nail appointments, lunch dates, etc. we need to schedule our sleep time. It is so important to get 7-9 hours of sleep. For example: tomorrow, my schedule changed for work...I now have to be in before work at 7am. I have to leave no later than 630am for work. I know that I have a 40 minute workout tomorrow for insanity the asylum: vertical plyo workout and 20 minutes before my workout I need to chug my pre-workout formula C4 to maximize my workout. I need at least 30 minutes to decompress after my workout, pack my lunch bag for work, shower, get ready, and have enough time for my morning post workout post on instagram and facebook. In order for me to be 100% on time, my alarm will be set for 4:30am. Which means that I need to be in bed going to sleep at 9pm tonight. I know that really early. But in order for me to get at least 7 hours of sleep, I need to be in bed, decompressed and ready to sleep by 9pm. Moral of the story, Schedule your sleep just like you schedule your appointment with your boss,
2. Stop pressing snooze. I am not going to lie, This is something that I struggle with on a daily basis. I normally snooze my alarm once! I literally hate the sound of the alarm and get angry when it goes off. What I have been trying to do and I need to do a better job of it now is that when that alarm goes off, I need to get right up and tell myself "I am up! I am up! I am up!" and then get up!
3. Have your clothes laid out already. I find that if the night before, I set out my workout clothes for the next day, right next to my bed and it is one of the first I see, I am more likely to get a faster start to my day!
4. Get moving as quickly as possible. When I get up in the morning, the first thing I do is open the blinds, even when it is pitch black out. I go to the bathroom, brush my teeth, try to wake up.
5. Make your bed. One of the first things that I do in the morning after I leave the bathroom, I make my bed. When you make your bed first thing in the morning, you don't want to go back to bed in bed that is already nice and neatly made.
6. Workout in the morning. Now that you got a great night of sleep, you are up, your bed is made, you brushed your teeth, your dressed, now it is time to workout! If you workout at home like me, the night before, I always make sure the following days workout dvd is in the xbox and ready to go. I have all the equipment ready for me, and all I have to do is push play! You just have to do it, even thou you might not want to. I don't always want to workout in the morning. Some days I would rather lay in bed and get that extra hour of sleep in before a full day of work. But snoozing that alarm and that extra hour of sleep might be a short term satisfaction but a long term disappointment when you don't achieve your goals
7. Have an accountability partner. I have many different accountability partners, depending on where I am in my own health and fitness journey. Currently, I am doing Insanity the Asylum with one of my good friends. Depending on who gets up first, we always send a early morning motivating text! It starts our day off right, having that extra accountability early in the morning, really helps, especially since we live in different states. Having not only an accountability partner who is doing the same program as you are but also having the support of others who are on their own health and fitness journeys through our private facebook accountability groups really just seals the deal!
8. Remember to have fun. It is so important to have fun when you workout no matter the time of the day. Especially in the morning when your tired and don't want to do it. Make sure to smile, enjoy the workouts that you do! Love what you do and have fun with it.
When I workout in the morning and get an amazing workout in, I tend to set myself up for success. I love setting myself up for success and to have an amazing day! Use these tips in your day to day life and you too could become a morning workout person! Don't forget...NEVER GIVE UP! It takes 21 days to form a habit. So commit to spending the next 21 days to waking up at the same time, getting into a routine, and learning to become a morning person! Who is ready to become a morning workout person?!?!
If you are ready to make a healthy change and need that extra accountability to become a morning workout person...fill the form out below and I will contact you! :)
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