Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Make Yourself Proud

Today I had the honor of chatting live on The Mickey Ellison Show. It is something that when I tell you is completely out of my comfort zone and so not something I would normally do, it absolutely is. But I love a good challenge and when Mickey reached out to me about sharing my story, I may have been a little nervous but I took it as a sign that I needed to break out of my shell! I am such a introvert and talking about myself and being in front of a lot of people scares me. I mean technically no one saw me and Mickey and I were just talking but it still freaked me out a little. I mean once I am doing it, I loosen up and get in the groove of the conversation. 

I haven't really publicly, verbally shared my story. I mean don't get me wrong, I share my story all the time through social media but to actually talk to someone about my story...eeks that scares me but it also excites me. 

Sharing my story is a very personal thing and sometimes I am ashamed of where I have come from but at the same time, I am so proud of how far I have come. Sharing my story today has been an absolute blessing. I listened to the recording and I have to say that I had to stop it about a quarter of a way in. I seriously had a moment. I couldn't believe that I was actually sharing my story on a live podcast. I thought back to the girl who was 220 pounds, overweight, unhealthy, unhappy, not loving of herself and most of all broken. But as I listened to this confident person who was speaking her story, I for a second, had tears in my eyes. It was one of those moments where I still can't believe how far I have come and how many lives that I have changed.

I have lost 70 pounds, maintained my weight loss, competed in two triathlons, a half marathon, a 65 mile bike race, countless other shorter running races and I continue to strive to be better everyday than I was the day before. It truly is amazing to me how far I have come. I am not writing this to toot my own horn but to share how proud I am of myself. Never in a million years did I think that I would be where I am today. 

You never really embrace the journey or celebrate it, well at least I never did. But today listening to the recording and even when we ended the show, I was fired up. I was proud of myself. I was proud that I did something that I never thought I would do. I was proud that I overcame an obstacle. I was proud that I never gave up. I am proud of who I have become. But most of all I am proud to be me! 

I tend to overlook my accomplishments, chalk them up to happening but it's sometimes nice to share how amazing the journey has been. The struggles, the accomplishments, how I plan on helping others. I want you to MAKE YOURSELF PROUD everyday! I know today, I can truly go to bed completely and wholeheartedly proud of myself. Embrace the journey and NEVER GIVE UP!

Check out the recording below and hear my journey! 

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