Sunday, February 22, 2015

21 Day Fix Extreme Testimonial: Week 2 Progress

Week 2 of 21 day fix extreme is in the books! I really can't believe how fast time is flying! This program is no joke and it's all focus! I could sit here and joke about how easy it is but its not easy! It truly tests you mentally and physically! I have not had my beloved French vanilla creamer in 14 Days! This right there in itself is a huge accomplishment! This program tests your fitness ability, nutritionally and mentally! I have never been this sore in I can't remember his long! You think you are in good shape until you do something new that challenges you to a whole new limit!

I love a good challenge and I had all intentions of staying on track! But this week kinds threw me for a little curve ball! I am on vacation in Florida. Yesterday my cousin got married! It eventually turned out to be a great day after a few huge hiccups! With that being said, I completely went off the 21 day fix extreme meal plan yesterday! I will say I tried to set myself up for success but yesterday was the only day of the 21 day fix extreme that I will be failing! I drank a lot of rum punch, ate cake, and enjoyed myself! You know what everything in moderation! You know what it wasn't the plan, but it's just how it worked! Time to get back on track and stay focused for week 3!! Can't wait to see my amazing results! I have worked hard and this week coming up, I am 110% dialed into my nutrition! No excuses, just results! A minor set back of lots of rum punch and unclean maybe a little unhealthy food warrants a big comeback!

With my little set back I do want to say that I stayed completely on track and completely on track leading up to yesterday! I knew that I would be jumping off the deep end and wanted to completely set myself up for success! Life throws you curve balls, and you have a choice, you can swing or you can watch the ball go past you! I choose to swing the bad and see where the curve lands! 

This week because I am on vacation, I had the honor of being able to workout with my dad. He joined me for my workouts each days and I really have to say, it was nice to have my workout buddy. I love that I can share my passion for working out and living a healthy lifestyle with my family! My dad is my biggest cheerleader, motivator, and always is up for a challenge when I give him one! A family that workouts together stays together. Now our mission is to get my mom doing the 21 day fix. He and I have been plotting on how they are going to get her doing it. They are going to do it together. Meal plan, meal prep, and workout together. It really warms my heart when I hear how motivated he is to help her and do this with her. In September they will be married for 30 years. I love that they can cheer each other on and motivate each other to continue to lead healthier lifestyles. A couple that workouts and leads a healthy lifestyle together, stays together! 

Week 3 focus:
✔️drink 150ml water
✔️follow meal plan
✔️never give up
✔️stretch more
✔️daily personal development and positive affirmations
✔️finish strong!

Meal Plan Week 2: 21 Day Fix Extreme

Hope you all have a happy and healthy day! 

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