Thursday, February 19, 2015

Why the Scale Lies!

Did anyone ever tell you that the scale lies? We all have our hang ups. We all have those moments where we just get so down and depressed when we jump on the scale and either it didn't drop or the dreaded weight gain.  You work so hard day in and day out and then you just want to see a slight change in the number on scale or no change at all. it can be disheartening and it can make you want to give up.

What I am here today to tell you is the scale does not define you. It lies. It doesn't tell you how amazing you are. How beautiful your are. How amazingly perfectly imperfect you are. That's right you are perfectly imperfect in your own way. If the scale were to talk, I would hope it would tell me that I am beautiful, perfect just the way I am, I wish it would tell my weight loss story, I am strong, I am healthy, I am happy. Since the scale doesn't talk back and say these amazing things, I have been trying daily to remind myself of these positive affirmations!

We give way too much credit to a "number". A number that defines most people's happiness. But when did a number become so important? Have we forgotten about looking in the mirror and loving our selves? Have we forgot about those amazing non-scale victories that we achieve every day no matter how big or small they are?

I really actually hate the scale! Originally I lost 70 pounds and had maintained that weight loss for 3 years but as I changed up my workout routine and eating cleaner, I gained 20 pounds....I could have thrown the towel in and said screw it, but I took a good look in the mirror and you know what I may have packed on a few extra pounds but I also built muscle. Yes I went up 20 pounds but It didn't look like it! If I let the scale win and define me, I would be sitting on the couch with Oreo cookies, a milkshake and a bag of chips with a side of Ben and Jerry's ice cream wallowing  in my sorrows of gaining weight all because the scale told me I gained weight. Which writing that out, that sure does sound like an amazing reward day! But I didn't feel like I gained 20 pounds. I feel amazing! I have never felt stronger, more athletic, and in shape. So why if I feel like I am the best I have ever been, do I get down about seeing that number on the scale?

I think that society says that we have to look a certain way, we have to be a certain weight based off of our height, etc. but did they ever consider that sometimes those "expectations" are  tough to achieve. We have this idea from media that we need to be skinny, and have a super model body but that unrealistic. We all have different body types, shapes, hormonal imbalances,  and genes. So why is they we strive to have the scale at such a low number? Why can't we empower each other to just lead a healthier lifestyle? A healthier lifestyle that includes not focusing on the scale and focusing on ourselves and the progress we have made. Our journeys and stories are constantly being written, focusing on how far we have come and not focusing on how far we have to go, could make for more positive results!

Someone the other day said to me, well I am disappointed that I only lost 1.4 pounds last week! I had to take a few minutes to gather my thoughts! I was so excited for her but she told me that she wasn't happy. We women put so much emphasis on the scale and how that "number" that it consumes us. My response to her was "girl, 1.4 pounds thats amazing! That's 1.4 pounds that you don't have! Congrats on that small accomplishment! Refocus this week and focus on something new, your nutrition or drinking enough water! You got this!" I think we forget (and I am totally guilty of this) how long it took to put the weight on. We want instant results, we want to drop 5 pounds now as your reading this! We want to wake up and poof the weight is gone and we are in shape and lead healthier lifestyles. But the reality of it, we need to work hard to see results! Sitting on the couch is not going to get the results we want! Get up and workout and eating right is the only way your going to see results. Focusing on a number that defines so many of us and not in s good way is not going to get those results we want. Hard work, dedication, sweat, tears, laughter, preparation, meal planning and prepping, FOCUS, determination, motivation and most of all CONSISTENCY are what will get you the results you want.

I think women would have more confidence and end up leading healthier lives if the scale said things like:

Way to go keep up the good work!
Look at you, sexy mama!
Your do beautiful!
Remember to smile, it's a beautiful day!
Hey there sexy!
Keep pushing play!

But instead of wishing for the scale to say this, tell yourself on a daily basis these positive affirmations! There is nothing wrong with telling yourself that you a beautiful and you are perfectly imperfect! I tell myself everyday!

As I come to a close with this post, I am writing this from 35,000ft in the air flying to Florida, I want you all to remember that you don't need the scale to define yourself!  You are better than the scale! And remember I told you the scale does. It doesn't tell you how amazing you are and how you have come so far and your doing a great job! So you don't have a good day and the scale goes up! So who fucking cares! Big deal. Refocus, regroup, and remember everyday is a new beginning, a fresh start, a new day to get it right! Don't let the scale define who you are!

My goal is to help just one lady realize that the scale doesn't define you! Remember that you are beautiful no matter what shape or size you are! We are all perfectly imperfect in our own ways. I do ask one thing, if you found this helpful or could relate, share it with someone else who might benefit from it! We all struggle in our own ways but why not empower each other to not focus so much in a number but to focus on ourselves and how amazing our own health and fitness journeys are!

Have a happy and healthy day! 

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