Sunday, February 15, 2015

21 Day Fix Extreme Testimonial: Week 1 Progress

Happy Sunday Everyone! Hope everyone had a lovely Valentine's Day with the ones you love. As some of you may or may not know, last Sunday, I finished Insanity Max 30 and then Monday I started the 21 Day Fix Extreme. This program is absolutely no joke and it is not for everyone! It is however for those who have done the 21 Day Fix, other beachbody programs like PIYO, Insanity Max 30, P90X, etc. I am always up for a challenge and this program has seriously tested my limits! I thought Insanity Max 30 was hard...well this program is tough! I have come to believe that Insanity Max 30 is my soul workout. Nutrition is 80% of the battle. I can do any workout and succeed with it but dialing in on my nutrition is tough. For some reason I love my treats and snacks! But with this program starting out, I committed that I was not going to cheat in my first week! And I can officially say that My plan for week 2 is going to be a little different but that's another story for next weeks blog!

Sunday night, I made my meal plan for the week, I prepped as much as I could and I really was completely focused on my goal to stay on track with my nutrition. Starting monday, I struggled with the workout. You would think that because I just finished Max 30 that I would be good to go. It took me a little it to get acclimated with the workouts. You can do anything for 21 days if you put your mind to it! 
Healthy Dinner 21 Day Fix Extreme Approved
I was extremely proud of myself this week because there was so much temptation around at work and at home. Since it was Valentines Week, there was plenty of chocolate, food, donuts at work. I did not once indulge in these taste treats, I fought the urge and I am overcame every obstacle and I succeeded! I did not cheat once and I am jumping for joy! I seriously never thought that I could do it but I did. 

I woke up this morning feeling less bloated, healthier, my skin felt better and I have more energy! It's crazy to think that food can have such a impact on how you feel! I also made a huge leap of faith! I love my french vanilla coffee creamer and for those of you who know me, know that I LOVE MY COFFEE! I could have like 3-4 cups per day. I completely cut out creamer. I think that right there is the most difficult thing that I have overcome this week. I have learned to drink less coffee and I have learned to drink it black or with my shakeology. It has been true struggle but I have to say, I feel better! As much as I miss my coffee creamer, my abdomen thanks me for it! Totally a non-scale victory for huge accomplishments this week....NO COFFEE CREAMER!

Each day another thing that I always did was drink 150oz of water! I really tried to focus on just staying focused and staying on track. Knowing that this is only 21 days, I feel like I can achieve anything! 

Meal Plan Week 1
What I learned this week while doing the 21 Day Fix Extreme: 

  • You can truly do anything you want if you put your mind to it!
  • Focusing and dialing in your nutrition can be done and once you stick with it for a week, you feel amazing.
  • Focus on why you started, not how far you are going.
  • Giving up something you absolutely love can be hard but its totally doable! If I can give up my beloved French Vanilla Coffee Creamer, you can too! 
  • I am slowly learning to like black coffee.. thats like not love!
  • These workouts might be 30 minutes but most of this week, I could barely walk! 
  • Never say never! I completely cleaned up my nutrition...I never thought I would be 100% clean eating...I am a woman of weight watchers where moderation is key...with the 21 Day Fix Extreme I had to completely clean up my nutrition! 
  • Take control of your life. Whether you want to do a program so extreme as 21 day fix extreme or you want to do a program that's not as crazy or you just want to get started....don't hesitate...JUST DO IT!

This is my go to snack! 

Greek Yogurt Parfait
If you are ready for a change and would like to join in one of our amazing 21 day accountability groups, fill this out! Its a great way to achieve all your health and fitness goals! And the best part about it is that it takes 21 days to form a habit. form a healthy habit in 21 days and see amazing results! 

Have a Happy and Healthy Day!!

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1 comment:

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