Thursday, April 9, 2015

DIY Sriracha Mayo

The latest craze is something called Sriracha Mayo. About two months ago, I was introduced to sriracha mayo from a friend of mine. He had made a sandwich and had it on there. I had always wanted to try it and he shared some with me. Well I fell in love with it. Now I am not a person who likes a lot of spice. I turn lobster color if I have anything that is too spicy. But let me tell you, I loved the kick that it had. It was like a little punch to my taste buds. That day, I went to the grocery store to buy it, well to my surprise, it was $7 for small bottle of sriracha mayo. being that I am on a somewhat tight budget and I couldn't fathom spending that much I left the store empty handed. Maybe a week later, I walked in Trader Joes and in front of me was a huge bottle of sriracha for $1.99...ding ding ding...sold! Now it wasn't the sriracha mayo that I was looking for but I knew for that cheap of a price that I could do something with it. 

The internet is a beautiful thing. I searched for different recipes for sriracha mayo. I came across one that I had to try. It was simple, it was healthy, and I figured I had this whole bottle of sriracha, what could be bad. I ended up making the sriracha mayo recipe from the Bon Appetit Magazine. 

  • 1 tbsp sriracha
  • 3 tbsp mayo
  • 1 tbsp chicken broth
  1. Cook chicken broth and let cool
  2. Mix all 3 ingredients together. 
I wanted to mix it up and change up my chicken that I had for my salads every day. So I whipped up some of this delicious DIY sriracha mayo and soaked my chicken in it and baked the chicken. It was so delicious and it was so simple. I love easy, simple, and convenient recipes that spicy up your life. As a busy nurse, I don't always have the time to but I make the time to prep my meals. This made it easy for me to quickly prep my chicken and bake it and I had enough for 4 days worth of meals. It was the perfect combination and the perfect kick. I hope you enjoy it! Let me know what you think if you do end up trying it! You could add it to anything! 

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