Sunday, March 9, 2014

Week 3 Update/RESULTS - 21 Day Fix Progress and Meal Plan

Wow, week 3 came and went. for this week and I am officially a 21 day fix grad! I have been on vacation for week 3 and let me tell you, this week, I stayed on track with a few cheats but overall, I feel amazing. Because I am away, I cannot weigh myself and see how many pounds I am down until Tuesday morning. But it is not always about the scale. its about those non-scale victories. I am pleased to say, I am so happy with my results. I have been eating healthier, I feel amazing, I am stronger, and I believe after these 21 days, I can achieve anything I put my mind to. Last week (day 1 of vacation) I posted a picture of my start of week 3 accountability! 

Things I learned this week:

  1. Double Fix workouts are tough
  2. I really didn't drink enough water because I didn't have an amazing water bottle (like I do when I am home)
  3. While on vacation, you can choose to stay on track or you can fall off the wagon...happy to report that I stayed on track! 
  4. Even thou the fix is over for me, I will continue with the meal planning and prepping that I have done over the past 3 weeks. 
  5. it is amazing to see the love and support my family gives me with this lifestyle that I have chosen to better myself.
  6. I really do love a healthy, hearty breakfast. and I love having my shakeology shake for lunch!
  7. I stay on track more when I print out my weekly meal plan and have it on hand. this week while on vacation, I struggled with staying on track and remembering to eat. NOTE TO SELF-print out meal plan before going on vacation!

Healthy Snack While on Vacation!

Its easy while on vacation and away from a routine to get off track and say hey I am on vacation, I can eat that or I don't have to workout! For me, vacation is no excuse! It has taken me a lot to get where I am today and I do not want to ruin all the progress! I had a Happy and Healthy Vacation! 

Meal Plan for Week 3


Where I am going from I have to refocus and regroup on where I am going next in my fitness and health. Instead of jumping into another program, for the next 6 weeks, I am going to focus on my training for my half marathon. I am doing the Nike Women's Half Marathon in Washington, DC at the end of April and its crunch time! I will be following the 21 day fix meal plan as I have been and may have to increase certain things. I read the book Run Less Run Faster and I learned much about training. What I need to do to succeed. I will be adding in some fix workouts to my running and cycling days but I think after I finish the half marathon..this calls for a new program! Decisions, Decisions!

If you are interested in learning more about the 21 day fix and seeing amazing results like I have and want to join my upcoming challenge group, I would love to talk to you more about it! please feel free to email me at or personal message me at

As always, Have a Happy and Healthy Day

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