Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Nicole’s Advice on Weight Loss Based on Her Own Experiences

Back in April, I got up the courage to post my transformation picture. It was something that I was contemplating for probably about two months. I was so nervous, I was scared, I didn't know how people would react or would I be criticized. I myself, was and still am my biggest critic. One morning, I woke up and just said to myself that I needed to put on those big girl panties and just post it. Honestly, I don't know what I was so scared about because after all was said and done, I cannot begin to tell you the amazing outpouring of love, congratulations, and the amount of people (friends and family) who wanted my help on how I lost 70 pounds and kept it off. So I decided to write up a document about what i learned from my own experience! I was out with a friend for dinner the other night and she said, when you sent me that document, I printed it out and have it hanging on my wall, I look at it everyday! So, I wanted to share it with you what I wrote up, in April! Hope this can help you!
Weight Loss Transformation
June 2011-April 2013

·         First and foremost, CONGRATULATIONS on taking the steps to achieve your weight loss goals

·         Most importantly: YOU ARE NOT ALONE in your journey of weight loss
o    It may feel like you are completely alone or you may not want to talk to others about what you are doing but you are not alone
o    Many are out there and are taking their own steps in their own weight loss transformation
o    Never be afraid to ask for help or support from others around you
§  Surround yourself with supportive people who make you better and challenge you to continue to pursue your dreams

·         You need to lose weight for YOURSELF
o    If you do not do this for yourself or for personal reasons, then you may not succeed in attaining those weight loss goals.
o    When you do it for yourself, you are the one who will let yourself down if you don’t achieve your goals.

·         SET A GOAL
o    It does not matter what the goal is, set a goal and stick with it.
o    Set goals that are attainable.
o    When you reach your goals or milestones, celebrate how far you have come, do something special for yourself
o    When you have reached your goal, set another goal, and every time you reach your goals, set new ones to keep yourself on track.
§  When I first started my goal was to lose 50 pounds.
§  When I lost 50 pounds, my next goal was to compete in a triathlon, I trained hard and as a result, I lost another 20 pounds.
§  When I competed in my first triathlon, my next goal was to get in better shape and continue to maintain my weight loss. My biggest fear was that I was going to put the weight that I had lost back on.
§  When I got in better shape, and learned how to maintain my weight and live this healthy lifestyle, I wanted to compete in another triathlon.
§  After I competed in my second triathlon, I set a goal that I wanted to get faster and better at competing in triathlons.
§  I became stagnant in my everyday workout and needed a change. I then decided to start doing p90x and taking shakeology. My goal through doing these is I want to get stronger for competing in triathlons. I also want to become more toned.
§  My goal along with this is that I want to become a better runner.
§  As you go along, make new goals that challenge you to be better and grow as an individual in your transformation to a healthier lifestyle.

o    Consistency is the key to success
o    Committing yourself to not only weight loss but also a lifestyle change
§  This is not something that is temporary, this is something that you will have to fight for the rest of your life.

·         Need to be OPEN AND READY to lose weight
o    Everyone is different and they are ready on their own time  and you should start when you are ready!
§  People may make comments or say things like “oh I really think it is time for you to lose weight” or “don’t you think you should drop a few pounds”
·         But what others do not understand is that you may not be ready to jump into it and that’s ok because when the time is right, you will be ready to open yourself to this and you will take the necessary steps to change

·         EXERCISE

o    Exercise is a major aspect of maintaining and losing weight.
o    Find something that you are passionate about and do it.
o    Find a gym buddy or a running partner.
§  Find someone that motivates you to do better, be better, work harder and pushes you to the next level
o    My dad is my running partner. We push each other to get out there and go for a run. We challenge each other by choosing new routes that might be out of our comfort zone. When one is having a bad day, the other is there to support one another
o    For me, I found a love for spin class and cycling. I found certain spin classes at the gym that I absolutely loved that pushed me and challenged me to a new level.
o    Whether it is walking, running, biking, swimming, whatever exercise it is, get out there and do it.
o    I use exercise for stress reduction. When I workout, it’s all about me! I use my workout time as me time, everyone needs a little me time.

·         PLAN AHEAD
o    Plan meals and exercises ahead of time, so you know what to expect and you can manage your day to day life with having exercise
o    We live such busy lives, for me I sit down on Sunday with the family and decided what we am going to have for dinner throughout the week. This way I know how to prepare my week with breakfast and lunches.
o    Planning ahead allows me to not be nervous of the unknown with what to expect for the week. It allows me to feel comfortable with what I can have throughout the day (pacing with food)

·         PORTION SIZE
o    Controlling what you put into your body and how much is going in, is so important
o    Portion sizes today are so large (usually portions are two times as much as what our bodies should have), and we put so much into our body, more than our bodies can handle.
o    By knowing what you are putting in your body, you can eat healthier and get the right nutrients
o    Use smaller plates when you are eating. It can make your brain think that you are eating enough. This trains your mind to consume what the body needs.
o    When you have that full feeling, you should stop eating and not continue on. It doesn’t matter if you are halfway through your meal. There is no reason to overfill your stomach when you are full. People constantly say, “oh I don’t want to waste this food” but you don’t want that extra food you are putting into your body to become unnecessary extra weight.  

·         SUPPORT
o    Surround yourself with others who motivate you are support your weight loss journey
o    Turn to others who have gone through it themselves or others who are making the journey themselves.

·         Weight loss takes HARDWORK
o    It is not easy. I would be lying to you if I said oh it wasn’t that bad.
o    You will have good days and bad days. You are going to hit some bumps in the road and that is normal.
o    Stick with it and believe in yourself that you can do it.
§  You would be surprised at what you can do.
·         I love the quote “what would attempt to do if you knew you couldn’t fail?
o    Think about that. If you knew you couldn’t fail at weight loss, what would you do to complete your goals?

·         FIGHT for your goals every day
o    I fight every day just as hard if not harder than the first day I started my weight loss journey. It’s a challenge to maintain my weight and continue to be motivated.
o    I have made it a lifestyle change. It’s a way of life. MY LIFE!
o    It is something that I do not think twice about.
o    I do it as a normal part of my day and do not think twice
o    It has become a habit, and job to continue to work out and eat healthy
§  It takes 21 days to make a habit. Remember that when you are trying to eat healthy.

·         Keep a weight loss JOURNAL. This keeps you accountable, honest, and on the right track
·         Drink plenty of water daily. Try and drink 64oz of water daily.

My Call to Action (Points to Remember):
·         Hard work pays off
·         Commitment to yourself
·         Dedication to getting healthy and losing weight
·         Determination to better yourself
·         Consistency
·         Lifestyle change
·         Making the changes becomes a routine, dedication to that routine
·         Stick with it!

·         What weight loss has done for me:
o    More energy
o    Happier
o    Healthier
o    Less angry
o    Self confidence that I never had
o    Feel great about myself
o    Better relationships
o    Sleep better
o    No joint pains anymore

·         What others have seen through my transformation:
o    Dedication and desire to stay active and fit
o    Dedication to a lifestyle change
o    Positive attitude
o    More stamina and energy
o    Hyper
o    Confidence
o    Radiate presence
o    Stand taller
o    Better time management skills-always making time to work out and eat right

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions, need any help or motivation! I would love to work with you
Instagram: nikkikeat24

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