Monday, April 27, 2015

Insanity: The Asylum Results

In life we are our biggest critics, our biggest naysayer, our biggest challenge. How often do we overthink something or tell ourselves that we cant do something. in life we are our own worst enemy. Today, as I write this blog post I truly cant help but smile. I cant help but be proud of myself for accomplishing something that I never thought that I could. for completing the hardest workout program I have ever done. its a little program called insanity the asylum. talk about being in tip top shape after you complete this and feeling like an athlete, oh my goodness, yes I do. I truly wish that I could go back to when I was playing sports and would have done a program like this, I would have been a serious elite athlete. but even thou I cant go back, I can strive today to be better than ever. I can do things now that when I was a young athlete, I would have never been able to do.

This program taught me that I needed to dig deeper and push myself to a whole new level. it taught me that I can truly  do anything that I put my mind to. I just need a goal and a desire to crush it. I won't lie, it was not an easy 30 days. and I can honestly say that I cannot wait to take a few days off from working out and giving my legs a rest and time to recover. it was a hard 30 days and I don't know if I would have made it if it was longer than 30 days. it was the perfect balance of strength, agility, flexibility, and pure badass.

Day 0 (Top) Day 30 (Bottom)
Sometimes in life, we have to challenge ourselves, challenge our minds, challenge our bodies and challenge our reason for doing what we do day in and day out. sometimes we get stagnant and hit a plateau but when you challenge yourself to go out of your comfort zone and do something that you never thought you could do, you make amazing strides.
It truly is more than the workout itself. it the lessons you learn day in and day out about yourself and how strong you are. you learn that when you want to give up and throw in the towel, you have to rise up and use the towel to wipe off the sweat, blood, and tears. you have to make each day a fresh start, a new beginning, a new chance to be the best version of yourself. I lost 6.5 inches off my body and I was able to do more moves for the fit test on day 30 than starting day 0.

Now that I officially an Insanity: The Asylum Graduate, I have learned a tremendous amount over the last 30 days.
1. I am stronger than I think
2. I can achieve anything I put my mind to
3. Having a support system of fit friends and family and our amazing clients in our accountability groups, helped me immensely when I wanted to give up but got the extra support and motivation that I needed
4. I really need to get focused on my nutrition. no matter what workouts that I am doing and how hard I work it is the nutrition aspect of it all is the most important. you truly need to fuel your body with the food that is best for it. I can say 100% that I was no where near focused as I wanted to be during these last 30 days. I struggled with the nutrition aspect and next round, I plan on being dialed in
5. Shaun T is my man! seriously his workouts are my soul workouts. I feel like even thou we are not working out together in person, every day that I pushed play and worked out, I felt that he was there coaching me on, motivating me and making me dig seriously deep.
6. I might not have lost a tremendous amount of weight but I leaned out, toned up, muscles started popping through and my strength, agility, and flexibility are better than I have ever been
7. I can say whole heartedly, I am in the best shape of my life after doing these last 30 days.
8. You can truly change your life in 30 days.
9. Wake up every morning and make yourself proud. Make sure that you were better than the day before.
10. Don't forget to go out there and do your best. As Tony Horton says, do you best and forget the rest.

As I find the words to close out this blog post, I am somewhat speechless. I don't know how to finish this. Your health and fitness journey is such a crazy ride. We have highs and lows and ups and downs. We hit bumps in the road and we can have the best. Before I started Insanity: the Asylum, I hit a major plateau. I felt like I wasn't getting the workout that I wanted or needed. I felt like I wasn't getting the results I wanted. I had done multiple workout programs and I saw amazing results. I think I needed to shock my body and do an insane workout like asylum. and you know what it worked! not only did I transform my body but I feel like a whole new person physical. stronger than ever and feeling leaner. its amazing what working out and eating clean can do for you body.

What is next for me??? you might be asking....not too sure. I know for the next few days, I will be taking a rest days and maybe just some stretching. workout wise...eeks I don't know. I was thinking of doing a hybrid program of Insanity Max 30 and Insanity the Asylum.

Will you join me on my next journey??? Join me for 21 days and start your amazing health and fitness journey. Whether you need to lose 10 pounds or 100 pounds, this is for you! Fill out the form below and be selected to join our amazing group!

Hope you all have an amazing day! Remember that you can truly do anything as long as you put you mind to it!

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